
27 08 2012


To an artist have a regular job is akin to slavery. I know we can be over dramatic. I start a new consistent job today at a school with kids that I love and a faculty that seems to be awesome. I should be excited, and don’t get me wrong, I am. But the artist in me has the fear that life will get comfortable, I will get stuck. In the kitchen as I make my coffee I am reminded that we do what have to do. This year I want to monetize my business in a way that allows me to be a full time business owner. Its yet another transition and I’ll never forget that. when I transitioned into a full time artist from the corporate world, It was a hard 6 months ahead of me and then everything panned out. I see the transition into business ownership the same. I’m thinking of a master plan. I’m inspired and keeping my eye on the prize. i always feel like if you follow your hear you’ll be in the right place when your opportunity shows up. My heart is saying commit to this, you are going to grow and have exactly what you desire because you will be in the right place when the opportunity presents itself. My ultimate goals is to radically transform the educational system having private schooling in every major urban city in America with 7 international locations where students can study abroad. My art is a tool to get me there and amongst the greats who will be angels to this transformation. When I look at things in this perspective. I’m exactly where I need to be…for now 🙂


Happy Monday, 



31 07 2012

I’m still pinching myself what I’m creating in my life. These past few weeks have been amazing. A month ago, I was in a tizzy about completing my piece “Wombman” and now, a month later, I am taking a deep breath in and in awe at what is possible if you just go for it. 

I have so much to say that I can’t really express it all right now. This is my second time out of the country but my farthest from home. This is my first time presenting work internationally and the response to the piece has been unbelievable. I even received my first international write-up. Wowsers 🙂 

I’m entering into the second year of business ownership with Enlightened Theater and I really feel like I’m truly getting grounded; really learning how to walk. I can honestly say that I’ve put a check next to all my yearly goals and I’m only half way through. Its funny, because you’d think I’d feel a huge sense of accomplishment, but the human brain is tricky. Once you get past one hurdle its already ready to take on the next. 

I took two days to just wind down from the last month of insanity and now I’m itching to expand. Before I get started, I just want to share my sense of gratitude. Every day I am blessed to wake up breathing and doing what I love. It aint easy, rent is due and some bills unpaid.Image The average person would run into safety’s direction. I saw a cartoon of man who needed to shovel the ground one more time before he reached his “gold” but he turned around instead. I’m going for the Gold!

I hope you are to. 



AHHH!!!! When you just don’t have Enough time!!

29 06 2012

(yeah I couldn’t even find a picture to express my crazed state of emotion) I realized today, with a few tears in my eyes that maybe I bit of more than I could chew at the same time. I producing my show, my baby, Wombman July 7th & 8th at Highways Performance Space and that’s all that’s been on mind. Choreography, inviting guest, marketing (I know you’ve received my emails. lol), finding tech, stage manager and dealing with scheduling..I’ve just wanted to scream (deep breath). You’d think I would realize that what I’ve taken on is enough but no, in my mind I’m a super hero and I can do ANY and EVERYTHING all at once and not miss a bit. HA.

I had a breakdown a few days ago when I realized two major projects that I signed up for were resting on the shoulders of others as Wombman consumed me. My very good friend checked me and said come on signed up for this so where you at! And she was right. I finally broke down today to my other partner in production and admitted that I had over committed in June. But I’m finally seeing the light…

Wombman is about to be born..and I realized something during this creation process…One flipping project at a time! All great ideas don’t have to happen all at the same time. Luckily I have two very strong and creative women working on the other two the excellence and quality haven’t been compromised..but I’ve sure gotten a good cuss out from both of them and I surely deserved it.

Take it from me..One major project at a time. Slow and steady definitely wins the race and you are less likely to piss people off because you’re there paying attention to detail. Quality vs. Quantity. Lesson Learned! 

Who knew creating a full length piece would be just like a birthing a baby..My tooth cracked under stress…lordy lordy! (thank good Obamacare was upheld!) A sold out house is what I’m creating..hell, all involved have paid the price to at the very least have people come and Experience what the hell we’ve been up to. 



a moment of delirium …back to the BatCave



HIghways Performance Space presents my piece “Wombman” July 7th & 8th!!

26 06 2012

Highways Performance Space Artistic Director, Leo Garcia presents
“Wombman” (pronounced woman) is a dynamic choreographic story of socially and politically engaged dance-theater from playwright/choreographer Ashlee Katrice Thomas of Enlightened Theater. This choreo-story plays out issues of gender, race, power, and obsession from a female perspective, with significant life experiences expressed through female anatomy– that biologically determined, user-modified expression of the individual, as well as the individual potential for transformation The audience will leave with an enlightened view of themselves in relation to the female experience.

Dancers include: Jessie Agdeppa, Jasmine Burgos, Sarah Elizabeth Gelesko, Isabella Grosso, Maisha Morres-Rey, Aminah Munajj, and Ashlee Katrice Thomas. Ashlee K. Thomas marvels at the power coming to one stage, “We will be traveling through each woman’s story beginning with hair, then birth, womb and man; seeing how connected we all are as women, as human beings”, says Thomas.

The show premiers July 7th @ 8:30 and July 8th @7pm

Purchase Tickets Here:

Ashlee Katrice Thomas is the founder of Enlightened Theater which is committed to create art that inspirer’s awareness of our social impact and responsibility to humanity; using theater and dance as an avenue to address societal issues that form one’s perspective and thus impact the world. Enlightened Theater strives to create performance art that questions the prevailing wisdom, educates and entertains. We provide community workshops, sponsor the Enlightened Youth Theater Company, and provide financial resources to families and small organizations that work with the disabled community to provide an avenue towards independence. For more information about Enlightened Theater, visit:

$20/$15 Image

On the Web-series Train!!

11 06 2012

We as artist are always searching for work. We all have a strong desire to use our craft, to share it with the world. I decided a few years ago that I would control my creative career, not waiting for call back or a casting director to hand me my fate. A mentor of mine read one of my shorts and said to me 2 years ago, you need to create a web series, shorts are great but the new wave is on the web. I thought it was a great idea but I had no idea about what is that I wanted to say via a web series.

I am an artist that feels like you art should have something to say and it took me two years to come to an understanding of a message that I wanted to tackle on the web! I partnered with two great friends of mine and we are in the creative process. We just released our first teaser for the episodes.

I will say anyone venturing into the web series arena be ready to do a hell of a lot of work!! Thank goodness I didn’t try and create this all by myself. lol. We’ve been meeting and meeting and meeting and sometimes getting side tracked and then meeting again!! We are now casting our series leads and its so exciting to see this baby come to life! Four months ago it was just a vision and now its being born. We are definitely learning a lot and are confident that as we keep doing this, it can only get better 🙂 So thanks to everyone for supporting and watching my series called, “The Council” ! Check out the teaser here: 

I can proudly say that my company Enlightened Theater has check marked about 95% of my yearly goals!! Two more  items to check off the list and then time for a new Catch the Vision Retreat!!!

with love,



2 06 2012


When you allow, you end up exactly where you want to be! This year has been a serious year of challenges and transformations. A few posts back I was in a space of not knowing what the hell was going to happen next and to be honest I’m still not clear “what’s going to happen next”  but since I’ve let go of worrying and just continued doing what I love without worry or fear of the unknown…whew..the doors opening are unbelievable!!!

Long story short as I was coming to the end of my contract with Contra-tiempo I begin to scurry around for a corporate job, a safe space. My goal in leaving the company was to run my own business and I found myself (honestly) afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to survive just running my own business. I was inches away from a great job (though I knew I would feel a little cramped in the office…I was willing to play it safe) and then they saw my website which is the freaking thanks to my great friend Tommy Lee, you can check him out at Needless to say I didn’t get the job.

In the midst of all of this I had been invited to Australia to perform and travel/work with a production company in Melbourne. All I needed to do was book my ticket and everything else would be taken care of. The theater was confirmed, even a few places to teach workshops and yet t. Any sane artist would JUMP at the opportunity. But I was still hesitant. I was thinking about what happens when I get back to LA without a “job”. I was literally having a spiritual fight with my artistic self and my logical self. And the earth shifted everything to make Australia the choice. As soon as I said yes, opportunity after opportunitystarted coming my way!

Heesh!! I looked at my vision board and it was everything I asked for. Sometimes we ask for things and then back away when they show up. I don’t want to be that person and fortunately I have spirit that won’t allow me to be. It will Fight me from standing in my own way!

Everyone always says go for it, take a risk…but when you are literally faced with the time to make the decision; lets just say its easier to give the advice.

I asked to learn detachment and all I can say is I’m learning it! Its not the easiest lesson to ask to learn; to detach myself from desire, from knowing what the end result will be; expecting greatness but making the journey more important than the results. The minute I let go of worry about what’s going to happen and just allowed myself to enjoy what I’m doing…Everything started falling in place. My desire is to enjoy this time right now, who knows what’s going to happen in August.

What I do know is every time I take a leap of faith, Its always been a GREAT thing.

So I’m jumping!

Back to my search on everything Australian.


Just Rambling…

13 04 2012

I believe that people show in up in your life to teach you a lesson and so many lessons I’m learning on this journey. One of the most beneficial things I’ve done is connect with an accountability partner to help me move my business along. It has really changed the way I handle my ish. Having a person that I can share ideas with constantly and hold you accountable to getting them done really makes a huge difference in my life. 

These past few months Its been a bumpy transition. But I finally feel I’ve found some grounding and a rhythm with my new business partner, friend, (who happens to be my sister) who’s come along for this ride towards success. Me, her and our 3rd partner had our first meet today and it really got me re energized and excited to finished the projects I’ve started. 

Even more excited my company Enlightened Theater just got approved to host our summer program in Athens park. Just when I thought it wouldn’t happen, when I had relinquished the idea that it would be possible this year–the doors open and opportunity presents itself. I’m coming to realize that “releasing and letting go” means to really do just that and know that your foot will find the way just as soon as you take the next step. All is working for your good. 

I have an interview tomorrow for a corporate job ( I know…I know..death of an artist. But I promise I have a strategy)  so I’m getting ready to head to bed. The thoughts about friendship crossed my mind as I began this post and I realized that it hurts to lose a friend and it feels great to gain new ones. I realize that this really is a journey and everyone you meet along the way may not be accompanying you on the entire trip but maybe only one leg of it so you can learn new lessons about yourself and humanity. That being said, I take all my lessons in stride and get excited for the new challenge that has been placed in front of me. 


Life is an extreme sport and I’m ready to actually play to win!!! 🙂 Join me.




21 02 2012

I rarely post when i’m in my emotions but Today I’m feeling a little blue. I finished my first meeting with my new accountability partner and I should be elated and excited.  But I’m blocked. I’m the oldest child and I’ve always felt like I had to be strong for my brother and sisters, I had to set a great reputation–to prove that we could be successful, despite the odds of growing up with few role models of success. I have BIG dreams and everyone sees me as this strong person and most times I feel and know that. But today, well today is one of those days that I wish my dad was still alive to ensure me that everything was going to be ok.

My life is transforming right before my eyes and everyone is so excited for me..I can see it in their eyes and I reflect back the energy they are giving to me. But sometimes (moments like these) I need someone who loves me deeply to remind me all is well. I’m yearning for male affection–not physical affection–but security and comfort–the father figure; which is why it’s no surprise to me that I constantly attract men twice my age into my dating life.

I’ve been single for almost five years now and I have begun to ask myself, will I ever be in love again? Will ever my inspiration come for my other half or have I been destined to devote my love to the dreams that God has given me, to the children I teach, to the disabled youth I stand for, to my art? Please tell me I can have both. I know that it is possible–even though I look around and see so many people in LA alone. I want to share this journey with another soul. I want to give my love, share my victories and defeats with someone who will love me back. Love me more than the biological father I never knew; love me like my step-dad before his substance abuse.

I’m seeing all of my friends get married, get pregnant, create families and it makes me wonder, Is this all worth it? Is this dream worth the ex-boyfriend I left back home, the missed birthdays, anniversaries, reunions? Deep down I know it is. It has to be.  I’m a Capricorn and I love a challenge. My calling is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears I’ve invested in this dream. Tonight… here are a few more tears for the cause. I know what Jesus felt like in the desert–I’m on that same journey. Following your dream is NOT easy and I understand right now, at this very moment, why so few people actually take the risk and live the life they truly want to live.


a vulnerable moment-Ash

2012: new beginnings

14 01 2012


I’m in an interesting place in my life right now.

Up until now eveything has felt secure. I’ve started my own theater company and am running it full time in the next month which means I’m leaving the security of my job. I lost my car and I have to find a new roomate in order to stay in this lovely house. To the observer it would seem that my life is collapsing and it is true. The common thing for us to do is panic when all this sudden change occurs but I have a sense of calmness and knowing that all things are working together for my good. I created my 2012 on 11.11.11 which was such a powerful day to create. The ideas were so great that only a new me, stripped of all the old would be equipped for what is to transpire in my life. 2012 was predicted as the end of times and from where I’m standing this is true.

Life is meaningless and empty.

It only has the meaning which we give it. So 2012 for me is a year of travel, prosperity, abundance, love, manifestation of all desires, an undying commitment to my own success. This is the time and I’m blessed to share it with every living thing on this planet.


2011: What’s been working for me…

21 11 2011

I must say that this year has been absolutely amazing. As I look back at my journal entries I have made quantum leaps since last year. I knew what was possible but I didn’t know how and now the plan is laying itself at my feet. I must say I’m blessed. I just had my last two performances of 2011 at the Disney Concert Hall at REDCAT: Studio series which presents dynamic work from emerging artist. It was a great collective of talent at Studio and I was honored to be a part of it.

I have had a chance to really evaluate what has led me to these seeming miracles in my life and I wanted to share: by learning from an expert in my desired field, I’ve had an opportunity to see HOW my business is done. I’ve come to realize this is really what jobs are for–to sustain you as you learn in order to create your own opportunities successfully.

2. Tithing: When I tithe miracles happen. The VOICE gave me an outrageous task and told me don’t worry, just tithe and I’ll prove to you what is possible–I’ll share this task with you all when the thing is done. I have seen phenomenal things happen as I tithe. I stopped for a month and half and I felt the strain of circulation happen, that “not enough” come back…I won’t allow that to happen again!

3.Accountability Partner: this might need to be Number 1 on my list. I have made quantum leaps because I have someone holding me accountable to follow through. Bianca Blanco has been a driving force in my success. She doesn’t think I’m crazy or that its impossible when I tell her my plans. She supports me when I’m afraid and looks at me with the knowing that it is all possible and can be done. And then she expects me to get it done! This has been the best thing to ever happen to me in my career.

4.Going through the finish line: I’ve always kind of clunked out inches before I’ve reached the finish line because many times I set myself to just finish. I’ve been practicing going above and beyond the goal. Going through the finish line and its been working. The results are insane..I really do have to pinch myself to know that this is real.

5. Recognizing that this is a game: By allowing myself to play LIFE as a game, an obstacle course–all my challenges have become a spartan race, an extreme sport. I’m playing a game with myself and its all for the Fun of it. Looking at each of my “weaknesses” as a training course to handle the success coming my way has been helpful for me to learn the lessons and keep it moving in my game.

And finally, gratitude; every time I say thank you I feel so happy that new ideas begin pouring out of me. Finding the good in everything is bring amazing people into my life and miraculous opportunities. Like they get more of what you focus on 😉

I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with friends in Los Angeles this year. And I’m celebrating a Bomb-Ass year of creating, following through, planting seeds, and flourishing.

I’d like to give a special thanks to three very significant people in my life: Bianca Blanco, Mike Butler, Ana-Maria Alavarez, –These 3 people have pushed me further than I could even imagine I could go. They have taught me that I deserve my success and that life is not either or–you can have both!


with Love–A.TOM